K9EmPAWer Walk 2024

K9 Assistance Singapore Official Logo
20 Aug 2024

K9EmPAWer Walk 2024 is back this year, to raise awareness of Assistance Dogs in celebration of International Assistance Dog Week!

Join K9Assistance for its flagship walkathon event, and take a breezy 2km walk around Marina Bay in support of Singapore's first Assistance Dog beyond Seeing-Eye Dogs in her history. You’ll get to meet our one and only Ambassador Assistance Dog, Sienna, so be sure to come down for her demonstration as she shows us what Assistance Dogs are trained to do!

This year, we're kicking things off with a mini carnival as well, so be sure to warm up with some fun and games!

Ticket sales are open at tinyurl.com/K9Empawer (Every ticket purchased entitles you a goodie bag of K9Assistance merch and other treats!)

When? 20 Aug 2024

Where? Marina Bay Area

What time? 7pm - 9pm

What should I wear? Something you feel comfortable sweating in!

For more information, check out tinyurl.com/K9Empawer.

P.S. Feel free to bring your fur-babies along!

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